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Gel Manicure Near Me

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The most important thing you should worry about is the technician working on your nails. If the person is good at gel nail treatment, you will appreciate it more. But, if the nail technician isn’t an expert but claims to be one, you might not get the full benefits. However, there are things you may not know about gel manicure treatment. Your technician wouldn’t tell you if you don’t ask. Let’s dive into them one after the other to help you get better knowledge on gel nail treatment.


  • Gel and Acrylic nail treatment is not the same

Gel or acrylic, which one should you opt for? But are great but most people would choose gel manicure over acrylic. Some even claim they are the same nail treatment, but they are really not. Here is the real deal. Gels usually come in polish shades. And after application, they are cured with LED lamp or UV rays. Curing means to make them harder and durable. While acrylic, on the other hand, is made with powder that is usually dipped into a solvent. They are used to provide natural nails with a top layer that is much stronger.

  • Gel manicure price varies from $35 - $210

“Where can I get a gel manicure near me?” Most women ask this question often. It is stressful and more expensive to move far distance to have your nails manicured. It is really frustrating when you know you have a lot of tasks waiting for you at home. But, that is not the only thing to be worried about. You should be concerned about how much the nail salon is going to charge for their services. Fee varies and depends on the look you are going for. Most nail salons charge $35 fee for a one-color gel manicure. This is higher than the price you would pay for a regular manicure. But, the good thing is that the gel manicure is going to last longer – twice as much. The cost can be high if you want your nails to look cozy like celebrities. It does involve a lot of creativity and artwork, so would cost you around $100 bucks. It is high, but you are definitely going to look fabulous once completed. This service can also be lower in some places.


  • Gel manicure last a bit longer

Gel mani offers good value for money. And the durability is encouraging. Women who have tons of events back to back such as interviews, vacations, and other parties, would be much happier with a gel manicure. It is durable and can retain its shine for long periods. In fact, gel mani can last for as long as 2 to 3 weeks, can you beat that? It can last this long without chipping if properly done. You will not have any reason to redo your nails for this period because they will always look shiny and adorable as if you just had them fixed. This is the reason most people are head over heels for gel mani.

  • Sometimes, it is better to have your cuticles pushed back

Even though you want to look good, your health is also very important. Having gel manicure done doesn’t mean you should put yourself at risk of infection. So it is better to have your cuticles pushed back than cutting them off. It is important especially when the nail technician isn’t an expert per se. However, cutting them wrongly can lead to injury which might give way for infection to develop. Gel manicure involves a lot of cutting, buffing as well as filling. But, even if you are going to have them, it is better you do so in the hands of an expert.

  • Be conscious about dangerous ingredients in the polish

Most nail salon ignorantly fixes their clients' nails with polishes that contain harmful ingredients. They are keen looks only and nothing about their health. There are chemicals in most nail polish that can cause cancer. So, you better be careful about the type of nail polish you allow on your nails.  For instance, chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate can cause cancers. So, you must be extremely careful. Check the label for product ingredients. And if you find out that the polish has any of the aforementioned ingredients, please do well to avoid using that product.

  • Consider the type of UV radiation

Too much of everything is bad. That said, many believe excessive exposure to UV poses real dangers. However, there have been very big improvements in terms of gel technology. And most experts are now favoring LED curing. You can ask your nail salon for suggestions. Or request for LED curing instead.

Check out this great video here.

  • You can use kits at home

There are a lot of at home brands that work wonders. But don’t get too excited yet because you will never get that salon quality. Brands like Kiss and Ciate are producing incredible kits ladies can use at home. Another interesting thing about these kits is that they have tiny LED lamps to dry up nails. These are really incredible! And they could last a bit longer than regular mani if done perfectly – at least 10 days. One of the challenges you may have when using at home kits is having perfect gel nail. Your hand needs to be really steady for you to have that perfection which will bring out the beauty.

However, most people, instead of using at home kits, they prefer to find a gel manicure near me. And if you are looking for perfection and opportunity to save time, finding an expert will make a wise choice.

Book your professionals gel manicure here.

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