Why you should take your kids to a nails salon for kids
The first reason why you should take your kids to a nails salon for kids is the fact that their nails need to be kept short and clean always. Kids often know very little as regards personal hygiene, caring for their selves as well as what they should do or not do with regards to their safety health wise. It is common place to find kids sucking on their fingers. Where their nails are not trimmed low, it is easier for dirt and germs to hide under their finger nails. When they suck their fingers, they will ingest these dirt and germs. Considering that their immune system will still be a bit weak, it is easier for their system to be affected, which could lead to the kids falling ill. Another reason why their nails need to be kept short and clean is that kids with long finger nails often injure their selves. When they are crying, agitated or even while playing, they could use their finger nails to scratch their face, if they are long and sharp. Regular visits to a kids nail salon will go a long way to reduce to the barest minimum the number of dirt and germs kids ingest when sucking on their fingers as well as how much scratches they get on their faces.
Another reason why you should visit a nails salon for kids is the environment. This type of nails salon are specifically arranged and set up for kids. In line with this, everything that will make a kid comfortable has being put in place. The setting of such a salon will be kids friendly. Such an environment will be very colorful and bright, so that it is attractive to kids. Also, the items that will be found in such a salon will be meant for kids. These include the chairs that will be available, the type of programs that will be displayed on the television as well as the tools that will be used amongst others. The chairs will normally be of a bright color, small and be comfortable for a kid to sit on. In terms of television programs, the television will be permanently put on a kids channel that features cartoons and/or education programs for kids. When they are also playing from a CD player, their CD collections will also consist of cartoons and other kids’ collection. The tools for taking care of the nails of a kid or doing manicure for a kid are different of those for adult. This is considering the fact that the finger nails of kids are much more fragile compared to those of adults. They are also much smaller. Based on these factors, efforts have been put into creating just the right set of tools that can properly be used to trim the nails of kids and keep them clean. Nails salon for kids will usually have all of these tools in their collection.
Nails salon that cater to kids will usually have the right staff that has knowledge and experience with taking care of kids and doing their nails. Children are very playful and can easily become irritating when they are made to do things that they are not ready for. People who cater to kids will need to be very playful and patient to be able to cater for them. Lack of these 2 traits could make it frustrating for both the kid and the individual doing the nails. Nail salon set up for kids therefore, ensure that they employ only people who understand kids, the way they behave and can easily cope with them. Kids often have issues with also keeping their hands well when their nails are being done. They either want to point at something or play with something. The implication is that their hands are not kept in one place. The person doing the nails will have to carefully adjust to their movements and try to keep their hands firm without forcing it, hurting them or losing their temper in the process.
How nail salon for kids are different from nail salons for adults
There are a number of obvious differences between nail salon for kids and nail salon for adults. Nail salon for kids will have a different outlook, set of nails equipment and general decoration compared to those for adults. The staffs that are working in nail salon for kids will also be more specialized in caring for kids and tolerating their excesses. Adults on the other hand, know what is expected of them and are able to cooperate more; hence any professional in manicure can cater to them. The equipment that you will find in nail salon for adults are usually bigger and stronger compared to those you will find in a nail salon for kids. Another very obvious difference is the size and strength of chairs. Adult chairs will be bigger and be able to support more weight, compared to the chairs for kids.
A nail salon for kids will be able to offer the kids equivalent of every type of services that are available for adults, in terms of caring for their nails. These majorly include cutting of nails, manicure and pedicure as well as painting of nails amongst others. While fixing of nails is not recommended for kids, since they might not be able to manage it, nails kid’s salons can still offer such services if the parents of the kid insist that he or she wants such service for the kids. Overall, a nails salon for kids will give better nails services for your kids, compared to a nails salon for adults or a general nails salon.
Check out this video to watch Kathryn get her nails done at a nail salon, for the first time;
Let us know which your favorite nail kid’s salon is. Your comments ca be left below.